Department of Defense policy prohibits military personnel from carrying arms in recruitment centers.
This only helped jihadist Mohammod Youssuf Abdulazeez kill four Marines and a sailor at the Armed Forces Career Center and a naval reserve center in Chattanooga, Tennessee this month.
DOD spokesman Capt. Jeff Davis stated on Thursday that the Pentagon still intends to maintain this policy. “We do not support arming all military personnel for a variety of reasons,” Davis stated. “(There are) safety concerns, the prohibitive cost for use-of-force and weapons training, qualification costs as well as compliance with multiple weapons-training laws.”
The Obama administration continues to leave our military as sitting ducks.
And, it gets worse…
take away Obamas security … all of it….and his pay check…..
we all know that obummer hates America and our military people
Wonder how he would feel if his protection left him
Everything is designed to purposefully embolden our invaders.
Remove secret service protection.
I think every soldier, marine, sailor, airman, national guard and others if I forgot to mention you, should arrest him for treason.
Holy C**p !
already have training. Sorry white house.
Why is it that there is money for illegals but none for our service members and veterans??
His Marine and secret service details should walk off the job for the remainder of his term in office!