It seems that little is more important to Obama than his sovereignty-killing trade deal – even human rights take a back seat to the TPP.
The Senate voted for an amendment on the Trans-Pacific Partnership that would make very difficult for participating countries to engage in slavery, but the Obama admin said no.
That’s right…just before Obama attacked the Confederate flag as a “symbol of slavery”, he enabled and supported it.
All so true obozo’s family from yrs back were hippo rots as well as him!!! Runs in his family !!!
Hey Obama…I’m White, and I’m offended by the word “CRACKER” in Cracker Barrel. I’m having emotional issues, and when I p$#%&!@* one on the highway, I become ill. Do you think that you can make them take that down? Maybe I can sue, because of the emotional trauma that they’re causing, or call the NAAWP….wait, we don’t have one of them.
Oh boy this isnt a high note at all
Of course he did
I am not totally sure he’s the main Antichrist but he is definitely shaping up to a possibility. The antichrist sspirit is definitely at work
I saw a red pentagram on his forehead in 2008. It was right side up though. My friends and family believe me, but strangers wouldn’t. You know, who would believe you?
The most important thing I can think of is getting Obama and his henchmen out of White House….
Well, he IS a direct descendent of slave owners.
Perhaps he should pay reparations to people who are fully African American.
Stupid is, Stupid does