It seems that little is more important to Obama than his sovereignty-killing trade deal – even human rights take a back seat to the TPP.
The Senate voted for an amendment on the Trans-Pacific Partnership that would make very difficult for participating countries to engage in slavery, but the Obama admin said no.
That’s right…just before Obama attacked the Confederate flag as a “symbol of slavery”, he enabled and supported it.
Of course not, that’s just one more thing he has hidden from the public.
Nothing like a huge hypocrite!!!!
two faced and a pathological liar…excellent man to run our country into the toilet. it is working.
He’s a filthy POS s$#%&!@*bag.
All senators & Congress persons need to get working instead of spinning their wheels! Tax dollars paying them, make them accountable!
I never owned a slave–he was never a slave–a dark time in history, perhaps, but it was over long long ago. Let’s move forward and try to recoup our reputation as a Christian nation.
What a great president ….great at lying loser.
Hypocracy at its finest!!
Because his Muslim masters still have it
Is that an $#%&!@* with elephant ears?