Sen. John McCain recently stated on Fox News that due to Obama’s handling of the terrorists he’s freeing from Guantanamo Bay about 30 of these jihadists have joined ISIS, Al-Qaeda and other terrorist groups.
Furthermore these terrorists take on leadership positions when they rejoin their clan because having been in Gitmo gives them ‘street cred’.
So Obama is giving our enemies leaders that are of course going attack us.
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<!–nextpage–>Qatar agreed to “babysit” these dangerous terrorists when freed from Gitmo, akin to a parole officer checking up on convicts in. McCain told Greta, “It just hasn’t worked out that way. Qatar in many ways is not the most reliable custodian of these people as you know.”
We had approximately 779 detainees in Gitmo and have released 620, with 180 of those returning to fight us.
Obama has been very eager to close Gitmo and has been basically been releasing these terrorists back into the ‘wild’.
Really, you don’t say. Get a clue news networks.
how can someone be that stupid. like I said before I could do a better job than the President that is in office now.
Like Gomer Pyle used to say, “Surprise, surprise, surprise!”
Disgusting behavior by all involved!!!!
Obama is a colaborator.
Obama has released his radical muslim terrorist brothers, given them huge amounts of our money and weapons. Is there any doubt whose side he is on?
call 1 202 224 3121 and demand he and the nine Islamic muslims on our homeland security be arrested now.
This is what is called….AIDING AND ABETTING THE ENEMY…TREASON….PUNISHABLE BY DEATH. Now, what is it about this statement, that the Congress does not, or want to understand? I am amazed at the efforts that they put forth in trying to execute to the fullest extent of the law, members of the Military who, for whatever reasons, go AWOL or desert. I am not saying to lessen the punishment for those offenses. I am questioning how the Congress can ignore/allow The President/Commander In Chief of our Military continues to and violate the Oath of Office that he took. Not just once, twice but on multiple occasions. Unless I’ve got it wrong, I have always heard that, “SILENCE IS CONSENT”, and that makes the Congress COMPLICIT. Not just one Congressmen/Woman, the entire Congress! I find all of these series of events unbelievable. Sports Writers have a term for this. “This Is One For The Record Books”. The Military’s Favorite Term, “You Gotta Be Sh_____ Me! and I imagine the ISIS might say, “Make sure ODeeppockets gets a Christmas Card from Us or better still, Lets deliver it in person at Christmas! Stay tuned for more unbelievable news.
When is our troops going to dethrone this terrorist in the White House?
He is a terrorist