Sen. John McCain recently stated on Fox News that due to Obama’s handling of the terrorists he’s freeing from Guantanamo Bay about 30 of these jihadists have joined ISIS, Al-Qaeda and other terrorist groups.
Furthermore these terrorists take on leadership positions when they rejoin their clan because having been in Gitmo gives them ‘street cred’.
So Obama is giving our enemies leaders that are of course going attack us.
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<!–nextpage–>Qatar agreed to “babysit” these dangerous terrorists when freed from Gitmo, akin to a parole officer checking up on convicts in. McCain told Greta, “It just hasn’t worked out that way. Qatar in many ways is not the most reliable custodian of these people as you know.”
We had approximately 779 detainees in Gitmo and have released 620, with 180 of those returning to fight us.
Obama has been very eager to close Gitmo and has been basically been releasing these terrorists back into the ‘wild’.
Just where did he think they were going. Back to start a new life on the goat farm. Sorry didn’t mean to dis the goats like that.
YEP!! the dirt bag let his brothers go Stupid, or Treason ?
Treason I think, Larry:(
Ya think
way to go ojerko!
yeah, and what does “Senator McCain” and anyone else going to do about it??? Not a damn thing…… they all have a lot of mouth but do nothing. I don’t even watch that man…..
what else is new
When are you all going to wake up and realize that Obama isn’t the only traitor!? He isn’t all powerful, he’s a puppet president! Nearly every member of congress is a traitor, nearly every single senator is a traitor! When are you insane people going to wake up!? Youre ignorance and stubborness is going to doom america people. Yes Obama is foul but stop acting like these wheels werent put into motion decades ago! Stop pretending Zionists are not controlling this country with their Nazi ideologies! We meaning traitors in the US Government created every terrorist organization in existance! We created 90% of every dictatorship and regime in modern history! Stop believing that ONE man could do ALL this by himself! Its a large group of ultra wealthy manipulating everything! Wake up! For the love of God wake up!!!!!
He should be tried and hung for treason .
Of course what the heck did they expect. I think Obama was and idiot for letting those cold blooded killers lose. ISIS.. ISLAMIC STATE OF IRAIQ AND SYRIA.. DIG.. That is what it stands for.