Obama has released 4 prisoners from Guantanamo, including Mohammed Zahir, an intelligence chief and arms dealer known to have Stinger missiles and uranium “for a nuclear device” when he was arrested in Afghanistan.
Despite the fact that Zahir was once considered a top Taliban intelligence official and leading Taliban weapons supplier, somehow he had his threat level was reduced dramatically, which led to him and 3 others being flown to Afghanistan and released.
Because our corrupt things they can arrest again and that they have better law like the chritmas murders and several more or maybe they had to make room on n the prisons for ware county and Georgia’s new that didn’t do a thing
Why do they need work permits you are giving them everything
That’s ok , get them out, track them, then kill them,,,,problem solved,,,,,why keep them,,,,cut their heads off and fedex them to Oshit bags house,,,,,
I’m bitter this monk get my grandchild wanted a ride home I couldn’t get there because I was trying to stay off the roD I’d been yelling at the law and my heart was giving way I’d taken no meds I was dizzy but they try to make you go broke keep you riding all the gas out so you can’t get there when the sherriff office kills them ,he got a ride by some that was sent by ear mic implanted love me your terriorism may be implanted and without a tag on the car those boys tryed to get him home they d been gone about ten minutes the Waycross Georgia sherriff office pulls them over less that 8 mile from home the boys just got out on probation and make all get out of the car and its illgal cam Only ask the driver and arrested because our goverment pays them money for each inmate plus the state so don’t do what your asked if your wired you ll go prison or die it’s also a illgal way of tracking people controlling I saw some in prison starving sitting on the floor no bed
Thro Waycross camers
They broke into my house and put it in my brain I never been arrested for nothing a house wife
If it weren’t for the last minute a lot of things wouldn’t get done ! So say BHO .
John I’m asking same questions
Hunt them down and kill them.
His way to help in his take over.