Saudi Arabia, the nation with the strictest adherence of the Sharia law and the worst human rights violations, will be taking in nine Guantanamo Bay prisoners released by the Obama administration. Obama deems these detainees as “low-risk” offenders and the Pentagon’s official message is one of gratitude to the government of Saudi Arabia for its “humanitarian gesture”.
A humanitarian gesture? This nation is top perpetrator of human rights! The reason Saudi is willing to accept these detainees is that they are viewed as heroic in their willingness to die for the cause of Islam and kill the infidel.
This new release leaves 80 prisoners at Guantanamo, which includes 26 men cleared to be sent home or to another country by summer’s end.
Read more of Obama’s imprudence in these detainee releases on the next page.
“IT WAS YOU, OBAMA who spoke these words at an Islamic dinner – “I am one of you.” IT WAS YOU, OBAMA who on ABC News referenced – “My Muslim faith.” IT WAS YOU, OBAMA who gave $100 million in U.S. taxpayer funds to re-build foreign mosques. IT WAS YOU, OBAMA who wrote that in the event of a conflict -“I will stand with the Muslims.” IT WAS YOU, OBAMA who assured the Egyptian Foreign Minister that – “I am a Muslim.” IT WAS YOU, OBAMA who bowed in submission before the Saudi King. IT WAS YOU, OBAMA who sat for 20 years in a Liberation Theology Church condemning Christianity and professing Marxism. IT WAS YOU, OBAMA who exempted Muslims from penalties under Obamacare that the rest of us have to pay. IT WAS YOU, OBAMA who purposefully omitted – “endowed by our Creator” – from your recitation of The Declaration Of Independence. IT WAS YOU, OBAMA who mocked the Bible and Jesus Christ’s Sermon On The Mount while repeatedly referring to the ‘HOLY’ Quran. IT WAS YOU, OBAMA who traveled the Islamic world denigrating the United States Of America. IT WAS YOU, OBAMA who instantly threw the support of your administration behind the building of the Ground Zero Victory mosque.
Congress has sold out to the united nations !!!
Under Obama, America is Doomed.
Most AMERICANS !! Do discriminate when it comes to having a SHARIA LAW in our Government. Sharia law in cities and state government. Sharia law and beliefs being taught in some schools. Donald Trump For President.
Was this move approved by congress??? There is a law that they cannot be released with the approval of congress. Can somebody please wake congress up???
Ever what it would be like to be the president of the USA and not have a congress to stop you from doing anything you want to do? Ask obama, he knows!
Hope they think about blowing up the white house with Obama in it
Treason again and again!
Put a bounty on them amen