Famous Pinal County Sheriff Paul Babeu was recently interviewed on CNN’s AC360 about immigration, and his responses led to more questions than answers.
At the crux of the issue was the fact that 67,000 criminal aliens have not only been caught by our police forces, but have been released back into our communities by Barack Obama’s administration. But who are these people, and why is he letting them go?
It’s been reported time and time again that ISIS has tried to use Obama’s open border to gain entrance into the United States. Given how porous and ungoverned Obama has insisted we keep our border, it is no doubt probable that ISIS jihadists have succeeded in their efforts. They’ve already claimed to have done just that.
Pair this refusal to enforce our border with his order that we let Syrian refugees infiltrate our communities, and Obama seems hell-bent on letting criminal, potentially ISIS-affiliated aliens onto our shores.
Not only are those previously affiliated with ISIS being let in with open arms, but it seems our prison system is converting our prison population to Islam before releasing them back into our communities.
But first, read Sheriff Paul Babeu’s interview itself on the next page:
all of them and HIM too!
They got in jail because they either have no religion but what most interesting they went to jail as Cristian and they became Muslim in jail .they repent. Read before you judge.
He is trying every dirty trick in the book.
We are having to feed these terrist with our tax dollars. They are all criminals. Put Oboma in there with his buddies and sent them all to Syria.
Each has broken the laws of America or they wouldn’t be there.
Who started the First World War? Was it Muslims? Who started the Second World War? Was it Muslims? Who killed about 20 million Aborigines in Australia? Was it Muslims? Who sent the nuclear bombs to Hiroshima and Nagasaki? Was it Muslims? Who killed more than 100 million Indians in North America? Was it Muslims? Who killed more than 50 million Indians in South America? Was it Muslims? Who took about 180 million of African people as slaves, of whom 88% died and thrown in the Atlantic? Was it Muslims? who kill about 1 million people in Iraq because of nucl;ear weapon? was it muslim . the quran never authenticate to kill without thiniking twice but the bible does. and this are my proofs if tuely u are a christian and u have a bible. IN THE BIBLE Kill People Who Don’t Listen to Priests (Deuteronomy 17:12 NLT) Kill Witches (Exodus 22:17 NAB) Kill Homosexuals (Leviticus 20:13 NAB) Kill Fortunetellers (Leviticus 20:27 NAB) Death for Hitting Dad (Exodus 21:15 NAB) Death for Cursing Parents (Proverbs 20:20 NAB) (Leviticus 20:9 NLT) Death for Adultery (Leviticus 20:10 NLT) Death to Followers of Other Religions (Exodus 22:19 NAB) (Numbers 25:1-9 NLT) Kill Nonbelievers (2 Chronicles 15:12-13 NAB) Kill False Prophets (Zechariah 13:3 NAB) Kill the Entire Town if One Person Worships Another God (Deuteronomy 13:13-19 NLT) Kill Women Who Are Not Virgins On Their Wedding Night (Deuteronomy 22:20-21 NAB)
So , rather than spreading hate…. Do research
And lastly: Allah says in Qur’an, “Whosoever kills an innocent human being, it shall be as if he has killed all mankind, and whosoever saves the life of one, it shall be as if he had saved the life of all mankind”. Quran 5:32
Terrorists are NOT Muslims…. Get your facts straight and stop being ignorant
we must not pinpoint religious group about this..People itself doing such violence co’z they want others down. whoever hurts a non-muslim will not smell a whiff of paradise (Prophet Muhammad PBUH)
terrorism has no religion. I do agree to this statement. People using religion as a tools to claim their righteousness, to do whatever they want. Well, in Thailand, the terrorist group in southern Thailand, also using religion as a tools, claiming that 50 years ago this land was purely muslim. No other religion, we have the rights to take it back at any form of action and approach. Well, the result, they have been killing spree for over 10 years. Men, women, kids, soldier and people of all religion died
what happened in paris, happens in Palestine EVERYDAY
no religion promotes violence whether its Islam, Christianity Hinduism etc. its just some black sheeps who don’t want peace on this mother earth.every religion as far I know teaches about love peace and humanity.
And here we go, French flag being projected all over the world and facebook makes a French flag DP filter. I wonder why FB never created a Palestinian flag filter where hundreds die each month? Or maybe a Syrian, Iraqi or Afghan flag? A Pakistani flag after 16th Dec APS attack? Its exactly this “Selective” Humanity and Imperialistic mindset which leads to hatred towards the west. I condemn Paris attack but i also condemn the hypocrisy of western imperial mindset.
See everything with love and compassion.what you believe in should not differ human.and when you reach it you will not complain.
prophet muhammad PBUH laws of war: don’t cut a tree ,,, don’t kill a woman ,, don’t kill a child,, don’t kill a sick person,, don’t kill old people ,, don’t destroy a temple or a church ,, don’t kill those who surrendered,, don’t kill a monk or a priest,, don’t disfigure the dead ,, don’t kill an animal except for eating ,, be good to the prisoners and feed them,, don’t enforce islam,, islamic laws regarding rules of war. i couldn’t find on that isis haven’t violated.
It is sad so many common people died in Paris.
France,USA and UK remains the biggest killing army in Afghanistan, Iraq and libya.This actions in other countries were done in the name of “international peace” contrary to popular belief.
when you sow hatred & murders then you will reap the same profits.
So many Muslim organizations sprang up overnight criticizing the french killings and none of this organizations ever condemned Palestinian killings by Israel,Iraqi killing under American forces,Afghanistan killings under NATO,Syrian killings by Assad,….
Burning other peoples houses only kindles enemies and hatred not love and brotherhood….
100 innocent dead in Lebanon Attack, 500 innocent dead in Palestine, 200 Dead In Yemen, last year 400,000 dead in Syria, 5 years ago 1.5 million dead in iraq, Yet No one Says Word , The world Stands silent.
And In Paris Attack 150 Dead And World Goes Crazy .
Obama’s statement after attacks in Paris: “This is an attack not just on Paris…this is an attack on all of humanity”
Mr . Obama Wake up Humanity Has Been Getting Attacked and it dead long time ago.
R.I.P To All those innocents Who Died In Paris Attack Today, and R.I.P To All Those innocent lives Who were never Mentioned In The Attacks , and Still Being Killed and not Being Mentioned .
Isis stands for “Israel secret intelligence service” and has nothing to do with Islam,just like moosad & CIA.
when the zionist european puppets are ordered to open borders for mass muslim immigration we will do some terrorist attacks in france, then blame muslims on the european zionist mainstream media.. so the europeans will hate muslims and support israel …
Thé terrorism doesn’t have a religion in reality because if they really know thé islam they Will never do sush a terrible things…
i am a muslim and i respect every religion ,, and i mean it . i am not pionting out that which religion is better and which is not .. we are all human beings and we shall love each other aside from their religion.. now different religion deos not make us different human beings. we all have faith that God exists but we just have different paths to reach God and these paths are known as religion.. please spread love and not hatred if this continues the world is going to end .. u can start from urself we can start from ourselves. and if u observe someone who is violent and u also reply with violence the there will be no difference between you and him .
How many are still criminals
Criminally compliance by Obama.
A whole bunch. the blacks that would have joined the Black Gorilla Family (BGF) prison gang, instead became muslims, because they can rape little boys, rape and kill their women and are expected to be treated like a God by everyone who is not them.