Famous Pinal County Sheriff Paul Babeu was recently interviewed on CNN’s AC360 about immigration, and his responses led to more questions than answers.
At the crux of the issue was the fact that 67,000 criminal aliens have not only been caught by our police forces, but have been released back into our communities by Barack Obama’s administration. But who are these people, and why is he letting them go?
It’s been reported time and time again that ISIS has tried to use Obama’s open border to gain entrance into the United States. Given how porous and ungoverned Obama has insisted we keep our border, it is no doubt probable that ISIS jihadists have succeeded in their efforts. They’ve already claimed to have done just that.
Pair this refusal to enforce our border with his order that we let Syrian refugees infiltrate our communities, and Obama seems hell-bent on letting criminal, potentially ISIS-affiliated aliens onto our shores.
Not only are those previously affiliated with ISIS being let in with open arms, but it seems our prison system is converting our prison population to Islam before releasing them back into our communities.
But first, read Sheriff Paul Babeu’s interview itself on the next page:
I hate Ovomit…I CAN’T WAIT til he is out of office…hopefully, we will be able to undo all his evil plans
Just like jail house Christians, many of those who convert to the Muslim faith while they are in prison do so because of the special privileges they get, i.e., special food, religious holidays, able to grow a beard.
There is always a reason to his agendas.
Dorothy: you know not what you speak, so you should just be quiet.
F**k them? No. Kill them? Yes.
This is funded by the Saudi’s and what is being taught is Wahhabism. Radical Islam!
You do not know what I know. My entire family works at a prison and sees this every day. Our church works with a prison ministry and sees that side of it too. So, I will speak of what I know any time I feel like it for this is still America and I still have 1st Amendment rights – at least for a little while longer.
America has already been declared a
battlefield per S.1867, of
the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA).
Russia is destroying Isis in Syria and Iraq
so Isis for some reason attacks France?
Using fighters that snuck in as refugees
So the US janitor plan is to
declare war on a Iraq and Syria
but keep the refugees coming in the country ?
all part of obamas army of crooks to put fear into american citizens,