Obama Has Released 67,000 Criminals into US Communities, How Many Are Radical Islamists?

Anderson Cooper recently interviewed Pinal County Sheriff Paul Babeu, and asked him about the mounting problems our country faces regarding criminal aliens.

Babeu stated, “This didn’t happen overnight. It didn’t happen just with Barack Obama. It’s been exacerbated because of him, but this happened under Republicans as well. This has gone on for decades, and remember the last time, Simpson-Mazzoli in ’86, it was President Reagan who signed for 2 million illegals to get citizenship, and everybody thinks that every illegal wants citizenship. Only about half of them took it. The other half just wanted to work here. So, we got here, I’m not supportive of people getting here illegally. I’m fighting against it every day, but it’s not helpful when the president, to the point made earlier, saying the president has been deporting all these criminals, the fact is he hasn’t, and that’s why we’re in this fight here where people are so angry. 67,000 criminal illegals, the violent ones, have been released into our community, and we’ve got guys like Grant Ronnebeck, who wanted to be a deputy with my agency, who was shot right beneath his left eye, executed, by a criminal illegal, who had raped, and did a home invasion, and this guy was out on the lam to commit other crimes. Nobody should be for this, and this is what’s happened. The rule of law has been undermined. So, if we can have a little bit of both, you know, we’re not going to build the great wall of Mexico, and I’m a combat engineer in the Army, we need about 700 miles of border, not 2,000 miles.”

Taken at face value, the fact that so many criminal aliens are being released from prison is on its own troubling. What happens to those prisoners in those prisons condenses our troubles significantly. Having already proven themselves to be law-breaking in their own right, its now being reported that the criminals in prison are converting to Islam in large numbers.

To see for yourself, read American Thinker’s report on the next page.

Source: Breitbart

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