Barack Obama has been quick to publicly reach out to elected officials and victims families after tragedies before, but it looks as if Obama has no intention of getting in touch with Florida Governor Rick Scott after the Orlando terrorist attack that killed nearly 50 people this week.
In the rare instances in which Obama hadn’t made contact with those directly involved in a national tragedy, the reasons seemed obvious. Usually, they in some way conflicted with one of Obama’s sacred positions, like when Kate Steinle was shot and killed by an illegal immigrant.
At first glance, this attack had all of the makings of an Obama PR slam-dunk. After all, those attacked were members of the LGBT community, a group that Obama has recently taken a deep interest in — no doubt for political purposes.
So why has Rick Scott not received a phone call? Could it be that President Obama — so angry with Donald Trump — is refusing to call a governor who endorsed him?
See the report on the next page:
obama is a spiteful little p***k.
I hope Rick Scott gave him a piece of his mind when p***k and p***k Jr landed in Orlando today.
I thought he loved the gays???
Why should he call anyone who is trying to help the problem that he created! Terrorism is this bad because of him and his c**p! Can’t wait till he is out! Shoulda impeached his$#%&!@*long ago!
Dubya called!! Miss his big Balls yet? I damned sure do.
mistake because florida is make or break for killery
Obama is a despicable sht head! Expect no class from this primitive Muslim a-hole!
Monkee$#%&!@*liar,he does not care,it was Hellary who got the order from this clown which stopped the investigation pf this islamo trash that led to the murders,would loved to hear the lies from monkee told to the victims famlies,perhaps a video started the murders????????