Former CBS News correspondent Sharyl Attkisson reports how Obama is refusing to tell Congress, who has oversight responsibilities, where the tens of thousands unaccompanied illegal minors were taken.
He won’t tell them where the shelters are, what the contracts look like, who is servicing those contracts, etc. Nothing!
Why would this information be so secret? Well, of course Obama wants to keep all these future Democrats in America, but the greater reality is that these aren’t just ‘unaccompanied minors’ being taken to places unknown across our country.
According to Zach Taylor, a 27 year veteran border patrol agent, our country is under attack via asymmetric warfare.
Producer and director Dennis Michael Lynch of “They Come to America” and “They Come to America II” tells us that Chinese and Middle Easterners are paying up to $50,000 to cross our border. Obviously a first class ticket.
Border patrol agents have come forward to speak on CNN that the federal government is “aiding, abetting and facilitating the smuggling of illegal aliens across the border” with the operation bring “run by the drug cartels.” Others state the surge is ‘orchestrated’.
We even have a congressional report stating that Muslims are accompanying the illegals across the border.
Of course we have high-level authorities telling us that an attack on the US is imminent. This is part of Obama’s asymmetric war against America.
Think he wants to reveal where he’s transporting his terrorist accomplices? Of course not.
lisahawks says:
“why can’t they make him tell them where they are? how are we supposed to keep count of them? and everything that goes along with that, you know, free food, housing, medical insurance, doesn’t that have to be accounted for?”
why can’t they make him tell them where they are? how are we supposed to keep count of them? and everything that goes along with that, you know, free food, housing, medical insurance, doesn’t that have to be accounted for?
Video not there
This administration is one big joke….unfortunately the joke is on us.
They are easy to find all day, you morons, the live at Walmart, they sit all day in MCDONODES , and spend their snap cards on bull$#%&!@*.
ON BULL$#%&!@*…
They are taking away from poor & Senior Citizens , food stamps, & housing for Vets. ect .
Hold him in contempt and jail his arrogant a**e.