After several reckless provocations by Iran, President Obama has decided to double down and extend his olive branch further even as the Iranians may grab it and break it in half at any given moment.
In the face of new counter-terrorism measures overwhelmingly approved by both sides of Congress, the administration has openly announced that it will not enforce them. The reason given by the Department of Homeland Security for this gross disregard of the legislative branch is that it will harm Iranian business interests.
Yes, because what we should be worried about is the bottomline of Iranian corporations, not the fact that much of that money will go to the country’s various terror-funding projects, to say nothing of it’s nascent nuclear program.
Unsurprisingly, the Iranians used the nuclear deal they made with Obama during the summer of last year as leverage, floating the possibility of waking away from the agreement if the US didn’t drop the new counter-terror legislation. Seems John Kerry and his boss fell hard for that one.
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Imam Obama Hates Americans… May his daughters live in an Islamic Society – not here in the USA…. 3:)
Sometimes history is our best teacher. Those who follow Islam were banned from the US in 1952. Although Brig. Gen. John “Blackjack” Pershing has been credited for the event by history, it was actually US Army Col. Alexander Rodgers of the 6th Cavalry who, in 1911, who stopped an Islamic uprising in the Philippines by taking advantage of the theological taboo of the Muslims. Rodgers inaugurated the practice of burying all dead Islamic rebels in a common grave with the carcasses of slaughtered pigs. Islamic religion forbids Muslims to have contact with pork. The tactic Rodgers used on a regular basis was to bury the rebels he executed with pig entrails, which would prevent that Islamist from going to heaven.
Gen. John J. Pershing was in overall command of Rodger’s garrison. There had been scores of Islamic terrorist attacks on the predominantly Catholic Filipino population which the Muslims were attempting to overthrow. Pershing ordered Rodgers to put an end to the killing. Rodgers caught 25 Islamic terrorists are ordered 24 of them to dig their own graves. The 25th was forced to watch. Rodger’s troops brought in pigs and slaughtered them, rubbing their bullets with the blood and pig fat.
The terrorists, who had heard horror stories about American soldiers dipping their bullets in pigs’ blood were about to experience their worst nightmare first hand. The terrorists were terrorized. They were going to be contaminated with pig blood. That meant they couldn’t enter Heaven—even if they died as martyrs. Of course, that also meant there would not be 72 virgins waiting for them in hog heaven.
Rodgers ordered the 24—who were forced to dig the mass grave that would be their final resting place—shot. Their bodies were dumped into the mass grave. The 25th terrorist was forced to watch. The pig entrails were unceremoniously poured over the lifeless terrorist corpses. The witness was released and returned to the terrorist camp where he related to his Muslim cohorts what happened to his comrades. What Rodgers did brought an end to Islamic terrorism in the Philippines for the next 50 years. It should be clear to the world that only terrorism will shake the terrorist. If it was done today, what Rodgers did in 1911 would likely result in a court-martial. It just isn’t politically-correct.
Tke a good look at those faces , they look a little bit alike !
Now its time for John Kerry to attack libya where jihadists reside and destroy Libya like Syria.
Get tough!
A clear violation of his oath of office. Just arrest and jail this useless SOB !
If you accept the premise that everyone who “likes” this cesspool of a page is a racist repugnantKKKlan,teabagging Christard then said and everything they have not said makes perfect sense.