Bad news for Barack is always good news for the American public.
So, here is the good news: a U.S. judge said that congressional Republicans could move forward with parts of a lawsuit that alleges executive overreach by President Barack Obama’s administration in implementing his signature healthcare law.
No, it is not as good as dismantling Obamacare, but it is close. Details of the legal smack down are on the next page:
The Muslims kill their gay people so basically his should say “I’m a dead man” Moochelle’s too!
wag biak
Sure there’s going to be a fight. This is Lola manipulating scumbag is a countryman is not a countryman and he has brought in for traders and traders in here. Along with the rest of them .
Example traders have been here for decades. This is been a plan going for decades you people are scum…
You cannot ever coexist with people that want to kill you..
We been derelict in our duties as red blooded countrymen holding these government representatives and check. We let them have their fringe benefits because our country was growing and we were doing well in our representatives they worked hard as we thought for the betterment the advancement of mankind. But the whole time the rich the elite the 1% as they call themselves now. Has taken our kindness of exhausting representers and their families to some of them been there for generations… that’s why we know that you been had it 4 generations you traders. And now you have destroyed the law and manipulated it for it to be on just for the inhabitants of this great land and you’ve made the love just for the invaders of this land prepare yourselves infiltrators and traitors
You can hack it all you want traders but you been here for generations and you are traders and infiltrators and there ain’t no freakin if ands or buts about it
He’s a Muslim sympathizer. Has many Muslims in his administration. Don’t you pay any attention to things?
I love u…………. OBAMA………. I love u……. Americans………..
him and merkil of germany are horrid . so is g soros.
Quit giving this dang president and his administration so much glory all they’re doing is implementing what has been going on for generations . infiltrators that been here for generations… working their way into places like authority places of representation going to school and learning businesses so they can infiltrate certain businesses… infiltrate and work at certain organizations… so quick given this administration so much credit because it took all of them lowlife traders and it taken generations….
Wake up American people these people are divided into three even in our law change in the law so American people are treated wrongly and the law protects infiltrators and traitors this is federal government they’re supposed to represent all 50 states United are federal government is infiltrated along with the rest of the federal government. Did you know that the federal government has grown bigger than your backbone of America there’s more government employees than there are people that work in America. You must think about that for a little while because these people have been working very hard for a very long time to accomplish what you C today have a great day
Not enough action has been taken against this madman!!
If congressmen don’t inpeach obama then we need to get rid of them all so if i was a congreesman i would get obama out of office now