Bad news for Barack is always good news for the American public.
So, here is the good news: a U.S. judge said that congressional Republicans could move forward with parts of a lawsuit that alleges executive overreach by President Barack Obama’s administration in implementing his signature healthcare law.
No, it is not as good as dismantling Obamacare, but it is close. Details of the legal smack down are on the next page:
Someone found his original Kenyan birth certificate……or was it the college documents that prove he never attended college classes as he was getting high
Color of the presidents skin has nothing to do with abolishing his healthcare, last time I checked this was a free country, don’t force your healthcare on me, and don’t make people pay penalties who don’t have. which punishes the ones who can’t afford Obama care in the first place, all it succeeded in doing was spend billions of dollars the federal govt. doesn’t have on crappy insurance, with outrageous deductibles, so before you start spewing race card get your facts straight.
What hate I read on here. So sad.
A lot of lies were told to pass that very bad healthcare bill!
#AMERICANMADETRUMP# #GO TRUMP# Thanks 1-800 Trump: Press 1 to get rid of Obama Press 2 to get rid of Clinton and Obama Press 3 to get rid of Congress Press 4 to get rid of the all.
True Darlene Sweeney Sullivan, he would have been gone long ago. Obama has done nothing for any race. I don’t understand why any black person would support anyone that supports Planned Parenthood when the reason they were established was to lessen the black population. It angers me to even think about that. Why are you not angry? What has he done but let illegals come in and take our jobs, hold people down with welfare? We are all currently slaves to this corrupt administration. You should be outraged. No one is free until you can Work and Support Yourself. Then You say Where you live, You decide where your kids go to school, etc. Your post sounds like something that would have been said in the 1050s. It’s just not true but you have been brainwashed to think that way. Only You can make your live better. People need to remember that Obama is only half black but all muslim. He just uses race to divide us because if we all unite as Americans, they could no longer control us.
We don’t need his real birth place. His father was not a US citizen. Obama was never eligible and he is not legally president.