Obama is none to pleased at for Newt Gingrich’s thoughts on Sharia Law and Muslims in the United States who follow it. In light of the tragic terror attack in Nice this past week, someone needs to call a terrorist, a terrorist and it certainly won’t be Obama.
Newt’s suggestion that those who practice Sharia in the United States should be deported was “repugnant and an affront to everything that we stand for as Americans,” preached Obama.
“Sharia is incompatible with western civilization,” former House Speaker Newt Gingrich said on Hannity this past week. His comments, of course have created a tsunami of opinion and rage on the left, yet there is truth to his point of view that progressives refuse to see.
Speaking on the Fox News Channel, Newt responded to the terror attack in Nice, where a terrorist with a truck drove through a crowd celebrating Bastille Day. With over 100 injured and thus far 84 dead, the attack is but another crime committed in France by radical Islam.
Read about Obama’s disgust for Newt’s unequivocal position that Sharia Law cannot coexist in the United States and those who follow it should be deported, on the next page.
Obama should be the first Muslim to go.
Obama you’re repugnant!
Right, don’t deport them WIPE THEIR$#%&!@*OUT !!!
It certainly is not!!! Except to a Muslim radical !!!
The 0 is everything repugnant.
Go with them then and cheer them up !
He should be deported he is a fraud and not an American but a Kenyan born muslim..
Toughgi Sh*tski as they say in Russia.
I think you should be next?
Not an affront to me! Deport ALL illegals and their illegal children!!