Nothing is cuter than Democrats in general and President Obama in particular lecturing conservatives about how their heroes would find the policies and positions they support distasteful.
And by “cute”, I mean “unbearably patronizing and obnoxious”, as it requires liberals to pretend they actually care about what Republicans have to say. At this point we all know that no matter how politely or respectful one voices even the most moderately conservative opinion that leftists will slam you and characterize you as an extremist, so its a fool’s errand to take their critiques of conservativism seriously.
Nowhere is this more insufferable than in the way they talk about Ronald Reagan. Despite the visceral hatred that Democrats bear towards Reagan and his administration, they are not above invoking his memory to shame Republicans for perceived deviation from the values the Great Communicator defended when it suits them.
Watch video of Obama doing just this on the next page:
gerry gerry. Go find your safe place buttercup.
Reagan was a great president obama is a piece of garbage that does not deserve to say reagans name reagan was a american through and through obama is muslim through and through
Reagan got along with Gorbachev. I think he would be fine as long as Putin didn’t puss him off.
Reagan rolled over in his grave when Obama was elected!!
Nice to see there are still people out there who use their head!
Oh no OBAMA he’d roll over in his grave at having a Muslim traitor in the White House
little boy Jeff calling a real man Buttercup will never allow you membership into the club. I totally get it, You would never say this to me if we were to meet personally. But in your safe place in Mommies basement and not having any logical arguments say stupid things. So little manI hope you take this advice in the spirit it was intended GROW UP or SEEK SOME COUNCILING.
If it was possible,Reagan would get out if that grave and kick his$#%&!@*off!!!
We here in the north kicked your$#%&!@*all the way back didn’t we haha