Nothing is cuter than Democrats in general and President Obama in particular lecturing conservatives about how their heroes would find the policies and positions they support distasteful.
And by “cute”, I mean “unbearably patronizing and obnoxious”, as it requires liberals to pretend they actually care about what Republicans have to say. At this point we all know that no matter how politely or respectful one voices even the most moderately conservative opinion that leftists will slam you and characterize you as an extremist, so its a fool’s errand to take their critiques of conservativism seriously.
Nowhere is this more insufferable than in the way they talk about Ronald Reagan. Despite the visceral hatred that Democrats bear towards Reagan and his administration, they are not above invoking his memory to shame Republicans for perceived deviation from the values the Great Communicator defended when it suits them.
Watch video of Obama doing just this on the next page:
actually he would be laughing his behind off at you , your party for nominating such a dishonest and flawed human being for President. He also would be rolling about how your attorney general met Mr a hanger and obstructed justice
If that didn’t bring him to tears I think he would have been besides himself with the behavior and gross incompetence of your party
Well said .smart man.
America and Russia alliance would crush Obama’s middle East muslim terrorist alliance
What Does Obma Know about what Reagan would think?
So now he is suddenly an expert on Reagan! I’m so impressed…not!
Obama your the joke we’re laughing at you .not with you
No! He is rolling over in his grave because of your sorry$#%&!@*
Seems to me you were the one that told Putin you would have more ” flexibility ” after the election.. ” …