Instead of vowing to protect the US and taking the fight to the country’s enemies, President Obama is ducking responsibility and gearing up for a final showdown with… his successor.
Yes, the most pressing threat to America today is not ISIS, Al Qaeda, or other terrorist groups but Donald Trump. It’s not radical jihadists who Americans should worry about: its the vast majority of voters who overwhelmingly preferred him as president over Hillary Clinton. This is what passes for “analysis” on the left nowadays, and as laughable as it is, it is frightening that this is the lens through which they will view the world through the next four or eight years.
With terrorists striking in three separate incidents just this Monday, it is imperative that we come together as a nation and unite to defeat this truly global menace. Sadly, it appears that progressives are not prepared to do anything of the sort. One report even states that Obama is setting up a ‘shadow government’ to undermine the Trump administration.
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Leave this country alone you di khead obama
be gone you fuxin idiot…WORST EVER IN HISTORY YOU MUSLIM SCUM!!!
Still cheating and lying to the end. Plotting
With Al Gore, Pelosi and other to confuse
And delay the sweating in, sonething about
The gavel and a 30Sec. Open window before
Transfer, Obama will be close by in rented
Quarters with the ear bug, giving orders.
Lousy, pathetic, pantywaists, sniveling
Crybaby Losers. Really something to show
People, who you really are!! Jackasses!!
I hope once Trump is in, he investigates all this Muslims shady deals. Maybe he can’t try to take trump down from prison, Clinton as well.
Can’t accept defeat’!!Still trying to
Ruin this country
So…CUT “OFF” – ALL Obama’s “pay”!!
Thanks U.S goverment for not defending the American people for 8 damn years, our goverment is the one our forefathers warned us about, they are worthless corrupted and have been obama globalist puppets !
Wouldn’t put it past him !
obama has no intention of “going away”…. has plenty of criminal backing with lots of money, and plenty of illegals at his “beck and call”….SO pathetic….never seen anything like it. Never seen a president DELIBERATELY try to destroy America…and never seen so many “elected officials” (congress) sit back and let him do it….I hope all their perks and pensions are worth it….it’s beyond words !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!