Should you laugh or cry? Or maybe just be outraged?
Obama continues to claim that America is still a very racist country and that the racism is what is keeping blacks from succeeding.
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Should you laugh or cry? Or maybe just be outraged?
Obama continues to claim that America is still a very racist country and that the racism is what is keeping blacks from succeeding.
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Please tell me just how this family has been held back?
Oh really…please tell me how your family was held back.
You are a sad human being you want to blame others for your own failures. You have brought back prejudices and now you are leaving America in chaos. You aren’t even an America or a Christian your presidency is base on fictions. Lies and dishonesty
That’s u bastards intended for the last 50 yrs or longer. For there votes only
Race baiter and Muslim terrorist, he wears a mask but doesn’t fool true Americans anywhere!!
Oh please, give us a break from your racist remarks. If the leader of our great nation can’t let it go, how do you expect others too.
You are not a smart man you make racism stand by Acting like you are less than. We are all equal in Gods eyes Start acting like it stop giving excuses that your ancestor’s were Slaves they were slave’s not you you were not the only slaves white people were slaves also and people ate kidnapped even today and are used as slaves. Get over yourself get along
Good for you….blacks and all people need to see that he worked for the elitists and himself the last 8 years…not for ALL Americans!
What a crock.look in the mirror dummy.