Should you laugh or cry? Or maybe just be outraged?
Obama continues to claim that America is still a very racist country and that the racism is what is keeping blacks from succeeding.
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Should you laugh or cry? Or maybe just be outraged?
Obama continues to claim that America is still a very racist country and that the racism is what is keeping blacks from succeeding.
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It didn’t seem to hold back electing you as president. What you really mean is that America will never be okay until only blacks are in charge of everything, & that Obama is unadulterated racism at its best.
Says the lying 2 term asshat!
Yes it does and his wife is more racist
When will black ghetto culture wake up and realize getting an education or learning a decent trade doesn’t make you an Uncle Tom.
liar liar pants on fire
How ludicrous , Obama giving hope to african Americans . SMH
Obama held the highest job and the privileged job? How has racism held him back???? He stupidity continues to show.
Obumer u full of shi!.
Say phukken what??????
He has held everyone back except his family, all races black,white ,Spanish, and on I could go he just refuses to take a look at what he has done and admit he failed us all