Should you laugh or cry? Or maybe just be outraged?
Obama continues to claim that America is still a very racist country and that the racism is what is keeping blacks from succeeding.
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Should you laugh or cry? Or maybe just be outraged?
Obama continues to claim that America is still a very racist country and that the racism is what is keeping blacks from succeeding.
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You are the reason Obama. You had a chance to make this country come together and you made it worse. Your life is what you make it. Quit blaming racism. You could have made it better but you made it worse.
The American people didn’t give you everything you wanted so they”re all racists? You want to see racism look around your own house!
You created it, now deal with it.
Really you became president how were you held back? And you are the first Mixed president!
This guy has done more racial dividing than any other president. I think it is all being done on purpose. To depopulate, to get rid of white people, to reign in the One world government.
You are the racist
I would not hire this idiot to clean his own$#%&!@*
Who’s racism yours or others I’m kind of betting on yours
Then quit being racist……. problem solved !
Oh yeah ! You and your family lived in “The People’s House” for eight years. Tell us again how you were held back ! Most of us never even have the opportunity to walk in the door of it. This race baiting if yours is old ! The majority of the people who voted for YOU are white. I was not among them, but that does NOT mean I’m a racist. I just don’t like you. period !