A memo written by a State Department official indicates that Obama wants to bring non-U.S. citizens that are infected with Ebola into the U.S. for treatment.
Travel ban? Obama is thinking just the opposite…let’s bring Ebola victims directly into the U.S.
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What’s new?? He trying to kill us!
lets make a crisis so we can dismantle freedom, so we can open up our new camps for protection and lets do it so we can declare martial law and suspend liberties… I am sure congress will pass legislation to keep the man in power along with themselves all for our protection. No all so we can be imprisoned….we have a lot to fear our loss of liberty draws near…
Wow- where do y’all get this stuff?????
These are the questions that he should keep to himself. Obama’s ideas the past six years have gone from unethical to felonies. If the things he says are his own thoughts he is dumber than a box of nails. Good God where has he lived his whole life before becoming president, I’ll tell you, where there is no common sense and people walk around with their head up their ass. Maybe he is a real space Alien, an ET. Well, ET go right the F home and stay there. If the rest of you ET’s are this blatantly ignorant about the US and other countries of the world, bring home some homework about the world and it’s history and come back in a billion years or so.
It figures, anything to destroy our country.
of course at americas expence
obummer and his cohorts are the ultimate evil
he hates the USA, & wants to kill us all, any way he can
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