A memo written by a State Department official indicates that Obama wants to bring non-U.S. citizens that are infected with Ebola into the U.S. for treatment.
Travel ban? Obama is thinking just the opposite…let’s bring Ebola victims directly into the U.S.
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Never send him their to them in their country,or Kenya .
F him
Do not bring Ebola in our country even if they are your relatives ,we. Do not have man power and resources. It will spread like wild fire.
I am with you
Doesn’t surprise me ONE bit
obummer is definately a mental patient off his meds!
This is the most idiotic thing I have EVER heard ! What is this man thinking ~~ well , he surely isn’t thinking about the American people ! Leave them in their country .
this has a plan of his for a long time
Stupid idiot
New Ebola clinic opened ! Free health care ! 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. Wash . DC. Tell um Barry sent you !