Mr. Obama has a very serious attitude problem. Actually, he has a lot of attitude problems, but today we’ll just focus on one – his anti-American, unconstitutional, arrogant, authoritarian attitude on gun control. To put it bluntly, what he wants and what he needs to get are two very different things.
What he wants is obvious – the total elimination of firearms from the citizens of the United States. What he needs is equally obvious – utter defeat in his efforts.
It appears that presidents like to do stupid things near the end of their administrations. Or at least things they were reluctant to try early in their terms. Bill Clinton pardoned all sorts of hooligans, criminals, and thugs in the last weeks of his administration. He also pardon political operators who got caught doing illegal things on his behalf. Sort of a subset of the first group mentioned.
Now Mr. Obama, seeing the end of his second term approaching has decided to do a full-court press to outlaw firearms, the Second Amendment be damned.
What’s the plan? Well, if you can’t get things accomplished through Congress or the courts, you just appeal to what globalists such as Obama, Clinton, and Kerry view as a higher tribunal — the United Nations.
Nothing more than a giant ASSWIPE.
The Senate had better not cave in on this one and that includes the Democrats. This is one thing that Americans will not tolerate or obey.
Obama is a traitor to the United Staes of America and has broke his oath of office. He should be arrested immediately and hung for treason. and the vice president sworn in for the rest of the term according to our constitution.
Them Blue Helmets Sure stand Out !!
Did you expect anything less from this fool
Screw Obama and the UN !!!
This$#%&!@*can still kill us all … 30 days to go!!!! I think Chris Christie will help Trump a lot in the debate prep!!! WIN AND THEN WE CAN TAKE CARE OF THESE LOSERS WHEN YOU ARE PRESIDENT!!!!! PLEASE!!!! HEELLLL YES!!!!! PLEASE TONE DOWN THE RETERICH, STICK TO THE ISSUES, DON’T LET THEM RUN OVER YOU …. AND GET NASTY …. NASTY AS HELL!!!!! HA HA HA HA Americans have spoken!!!!! FB really does send a message …. please continue the onslaught of “Crooked Politics” and Hillary ….YOU HAVE TO SPEAK UP, YOU HAVE TO BE NASTY, YOU HAVE TO SPEAK FROM YOUR HEART!!!! I VOTE TRUMP NO MATTER WHAT!!!