So we have the appalling spectacle of Mr. Obama and Mr. Kerry attempting to implement their radical gun-control measures through the United Nations. Good globalists that they are, with their typical contempt for the U.S. Constitution and American jurisprudence, not to mention for the American people as well, they are trying to go the United Nations route to accomplish that which they’ve been unable to do so far domestically.
The Obama administration upped its commitment to get the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty ratified, a tall order since a bipartisan coalition of 50 senators have already said they oppose the gun treaty Secretary of State John Kerry signed three years ago.
What’s the problem with this treaty? Says Larry Pratt of Gun Owners of America:
“The language is so vague is could almost mean anything. A lot could be done to rationalize gun control. The treaty has no prohibitions, no thou-shalt-nots,” Larry Pratt, executive director of Gun Owners of America, told The Daily Signal.
That’s just perfect for guys like Obama and Kerry — a treaty so flexible you can bend it to mean pretty much whatever you want it to mean. And it’s kind of broad, don’t you think?
The treaty states that: “Each State Party shall establish and maintain a national control system, including a national control list, in order to implement the provisions of this Treaty.” It goes on to say, “Each State Party is encouraged to include in those records: the quantity, value, model/type, authorized international transfers of conventional arms covered under Article 2 (1), conventional arms actually transferred, details of exporting State(s), importing State(s), transit and trans-shipment State(s), and end users, as appropriate.”
Sounds like it affects only the international transfer of firearms. But laws are already in effect to control that. Enforcing those laws that already exit with respect to Mexico would require an effective border security program — something that is anathema to Mr. Obama.
“The smuggling of guns from the U.S. into Mexico, the smuggling of guns from U.S. to any country, is already illegal,” Bromund [of the Heritage Foundation] told The Daily Signal. “The problem is that the border is not controlled. Guns go south because the border is open. The answer is effective border patrol by the U.S. and Mexico. Mexico will never talk about that.”
But hey, for once we’re going to end a story with some good news on the gun-control front for those supporters of our Second Amendment. Mr. Bromund of the Heritage Foundation continues,
The treaty has been such an administrative disaster that it likely will have no impact at all, Bromund said. He noted the treaty is almost entirely European countries rarely living up to the reporting requirements of the treaty.
“I basically think we are winning on this. This is not going to work,” Bromund said. “It’s turning into nothing but boring bureaucratic meetings. The gun controllers will lose interest and find another toy.”
And you have a good week, too!
Source: Nebraska Firearms Owners Association
He’s not planning on leaving. This is all for him to stay as a tyrant.
That’s right
In the opening commentary is the Achilles heel of this “plan”: The UN is NOT a “higher authority” to anything in our government – especially the Constitution and Bill of Rights. FOAD, all you anti-gunners. Could be you win the election, place a controlling number of anti-Constitution judges on the Supreme Court – then and only then will you learn why our wisened Founding
Fathers created and included the 2nd Amendment….
Douche bag
Any dirt bag commies coming to take our guns is going to get deleted Off this planet by a high speed led, and if that day
ever come when these pieces of c**p liberal/globalist/socialist/commies have enough balls trying to bring the UN to do their’s dirty works. They’re gonna open the Pandora box and everyone that vote for this BS going to have to face consequence. The deleting process WILL start from the top down!