Mr. Obama has a very serious attitude problem. Actually, he has a lot of attitude problems, but today we’ll just focus on one – his anti-American, unconstitutional, arrogant, authoritarian attitude on gun control. To put it bluntly, what he wants and what he needs to get are two very different things.
What he wants is obvious – the total elimination of firearms from the citizens of the United States. What he needs is equally obvious – utter defeat in his efforts.
It appears that presidents like to do stupid things near the end of their administrations. Or at least things they were reluctant to try early in their terms. Bill Clinton pardoned all sorts of hooligans, criminals, and thugs in the last weeks of his administration. He also pardon political operators who got caught doing illegal things on his behalf. Sort of a subset of the first group mentioned.
Now Mr. Obama, seeing the end of his second term approaching has decided to do a full-court press to outlaw firearms, the Second Amendment be damned.
What’s the plan? Well, if you can’t get things accomplished through Congress or the courts, you just appeal to what globalists such as Obama, Clinton, and Kerry view as a higher tribunal — the United Nations.
He’s not planning on leaving. This is all for him to stay as a tyrant.
That’s right
In the opening commentary is the Achilles heel of this “plan”: The UN is NOT a “higher authority” to anything in our government – especially the Constitution and Bill of Rights. FOAD, all you anti-gunners. Could be you win the election, place a controlling number of anti-Constitution judges on the Supreme Court – then and only then will you learn why our wisened Founding
Fathers created and included the 2nd Amendment….
Douche bag
Any dirt bag commies coming to take our guns is going to get deleted Off this planet by a high speed led, and if that day
ever come when these pieces of c**p liberal/globalist/socialist/commies have enough balls trying to bring the UN to do their’s dirty works. They’re gonna open the Pandora box and everyone that vote for this BS going to have to face consequence. The deleting process WILL start from the top down!