For a long time, it’s been obvious that Obama doesn’t subscribe to the idea of American exceptionalism. Instead of arguing that America’s form of government is among the best in the world, Obama has been preoccupied by apologizing for what he sees as America’s faults at every opportunity.
It’s clear Obama doesn’t think America is as great as the rest of the world, and now, thanks to remarks he made to the Finnish and Norwegian heads of state, we now know who Obama thinks is truly exceptional.
In fact, he seems so smitten by this bloc of countries, that he said he’d be willing to put them “in charge” of the rest of the world in an “international order.”
While many took his comments as a joke — or as a bit of political pandering — it fits the worrying narrative that Obama wants to create an international order that holds ultimate power over the citizens of the world.
So was it a joke, or a sign of his true intentions? See his statements in full on the next page and decide for yourself:
Ya think? This is his goal which would make the whole world muslim. He has helped every way he could to push for this. He is not a friend of America and he wanted Clinton to continue his destrustion of our country. America said “NO”.
Will somebody. Get rid of this fool
No new world order here
Janet Crockett-Jones yeah, I thought it was conspiracy junk. It isn’t. There are many clubs that are in operation under the disguise of doing good, when they are really run by low level illuminates. Weird stuff in my eyes. But Michael Hayes spent 11 years researching all these organizations and encourages his readers to do the same. Pretty eye opening!!! Bama boy is one of them for sure. How would a poor boy from the south side be able to rise to this level without selling out??
This supports slavery that .makes wealthy wealthier. This was Obama and Clinton’s plan all along! They wanted the end of USA as we are. Thank God this has been stopped.
Dance away…Only days before he is done
Those who seek to oatmeal the glob and Be the Strawberry on top ..expect us all to kneel unto the$#%&!@*fields that nourish and raise them up …
Does he mean the little world inside that stupid looking head of his..
Nope your an idiot