Barack Obama has done extensive damage to the stature and prestige of the U.S. in the international arena. It seems everywhere he has acted it has ended up badly. Early on in his administration he soured relations with England by sending back a bust of Winston Churchill and indicating he had little interest in fortifying our ties with the motherland.
His Arab spring actions in Egypt and other Middle East countries blew up in his face, and led to huge problems and the rise of ISIS in Syria. Vladimir Putin has embarrassed Obama and shown him up in several arenas, particularly in Ukraine and now in Syria. And of course he taken our close relationship with Israel, which is the only democracy in the Middle East and our staunch friend in the region, and he has turned it into a personal battle between Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and himself. Given the belligerence of virtually all the Arab nations towards the U.S., and considering this one small island of cordiality, it is hard to understand the animosity Obama has for Israel unless he has a secret passion for Islam and the preeminence of the Arab states over Israel.
Now it seems that Obama may take new measures to bring Israel down and to hand greater power and control to the Palestinians, who have sworn to drive Israel into the sea. From a geopolitical perspective it makes no sense, but what else could be driving Obama besides personal animus and a commitment to Islam?
New plans to bring Israel down, page 2:
the muslim swine.
What in Gods name will he do before we get him out of office. He really does hate this country and Israel.
I sure hope Obama gets what he has coming sooner than later. Karma’s sweet sometimes:-)
Israel has gave up something in the past but it the Muslims always wanting more Muslims gave up on hating everybody an people would not hate you just figure how much money your towns an the middle east would make with tourists their our a lot of people from around the world that would travel their you could show the history of your countries
America stands with Israel no matter what traitor obama says
wrong again
If you plan to vote for Cruz you MUST know the facts, because the media will not tell you.
There is great conspiracy going on to fraud the American people out of their country.
Feel free to check these for yourself, they are all true!
Cruz’ wife, Heidi, has been employed by Goldman Sachs since 2005. She is on leave as managing director and regional head of private wealth management. Heidi is a proud member of the leftist Council on Foreign Relations, advocates of one world government and the New World Order, which happens to be the goal of their religious theology, 7 mountains Dominionism – world$#%&!@*by their church leaders, of which Cruz is touted as being a chosen one by Glenn Beck, as well as Cruz’ own father.
Ted was George W.’s brain when he ran for President. A top policy adviser.
Ted maneuvered for Solicitor General in the Bush administration, but settled for a plum job at the Federal Trade Commission.
Ted has DEEP ties to the political and financial establishment.
Ted and Heidi brag about being the first “Bush marriage”, since they met as Bush staffers which ultimately led to marriage.
Cruz was an adviser on legal affairs while Heidi was an adviser on economic policy and eventually director for the Western Hemisphere on the National Security Council under Condoleezza Rice. Rice give us the phony war in Iraq.
Heidi Cruz also served as Deputy U.S. Trade Representative to USTR head Robert Zoellick.
At USTR Heidi worked on U.S.-China trade policy, the one Donald Trump talks & warns us about so much.
Chad Sweet, Ted Cruz’s campaign chairman, is a former CIA officer.
Michael Chertoff, George W. Bush’s former Secretary of Homeland Security, hired Sweet from Goldman Sachs to restructure and optimize the flow of information between the CIA, FBI and other members of the national security community and DHS. Chertoff and Sweet co-founded the Chertoff Group upon leaving the administration.
NOTE: A known tactic of the intelligence community is the use of strategic communications as a “soft power” weapon against itsb adversaries — the creation ofb false narratives by the effective use of all media — social, digital, newspaper, print, etc. Combined with denial and deception, it can be a potent force. Glenn Beck and Mark Levin are testaments to this.
Ted Cruz is NOT who he appears to be. As the bible says, “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in the clothing of sheep, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.” In this case we must beware a Canadian bearing gifts.
He should keep his nose out of their business.