Barack Obama has done extensive damage to the stature and prestige of the U.S. in the international arena. It seems everywhere he has acted it has ended up badly. Early on in his administration he soured relations with England by sending back a bust of Winston Churchill and indicating he had little interest in fortifying our ties with the motherland.
His Arab spring actions in Egypt and other Middle East countries blew up in his face, and led to huge problems and the rise of ISIS in Syria. Vladimir Putin has embarrassed Obama and shown him up in several arenas, particularly in Ukraine and now in Syria. And of course he taken our close relationship with Israel, which is the only democracy in the Middle East and our staunch friend in the region, and he has turned it into a personal battle between Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and himself. Given the belligerence of virtually all the Arab nations towards the U.S., and considering this one small island of cordiality, it is hard to understand the animosity Obama has for Israel unless he has a secret passion for Islam and the preeminence of the Arab states over Israel.
Now it seems that Obama may take new measures to bring Israel down and to hand greater power and control to the Palestinians, who have sworn to drive Israel into the sea. From a geopolitical perspective it makes no sense, but what else could be driving Obama besides personal animus and a commitment to Islam?
New plans to bring Israel down, page 2:
Yes, I will bless those who bless you, and curse those who curse you…
Sum$#%&!@*ain’t worth p**s
No. unlikely. The new testament does not read that way. The Muslims and the jews thought Jesus was a prophet. Christians know he fulfilled the prophecy and brought grace from His death to His return.
America is getting like Sodom and Gomorra. Anything goes. I just pray that God will forgive us for what we all have brought to this country. No one is blame less.
Obama guilty of treason, fraud and antichrist, and wanted to destroy Israel and America.
I want to see him try not even the USA is more powerfull than God
BHO = an ISLAMIST and a betrayer of the people and State of Israel … and the UN is an ISLAMIC TERRORIST front organization.
No surprise.
BHO, the first and last Islamist POTUS, a daw’ah for Islam, is a traitor to the people of the USA, a betrayer of the people and State of Israel, as well as a betrayer of other US allied nations and a betrayer of every non-Muslim man, woman and child on Earth.
Why? He was raised by and surrounded by anti-American-socialist-communist-Jew haters. He surrounds himself with anti-Americam-socialist-communist-Jew haters. He was groomed by anti-American-socialist-communist-Jew haters. He befriended anti-American-socialist-communist-Jew haters. He is aligned and allied with anti-American-socialist-communist Jew haters. Furthermore, BHO has been and is being manipulated by Islamic-Jihadis, followers-adherents of the Qur’an and Islamic-Sharia law, sworn to do everything in their power seeking World$#%&!@* the destruction of all non-Muslim civilization, culture and nations,; and the persecution, subjugation, torture, and ultimately the MURDER of ALL non-Muslims on the planet.
Perhaps a team of psychiatrists after giving BHO years of psychoanalysis, treatment and drug therapy might be able determine BHO’s deep seated reasons for his hatred of Israel, which is in this modern day, merely a very thinly veiled mask for Jew hatred; but simply stated, he was raised to hate the USA, hate democracy, and hate Jews.
Ergo, hating Israel, the Jewish State, the only true democracy in the Middle East and the only true US ally in the Middle East, and being an anti-American, anti-Israel, socialist-communist-Jew hater comes quite naturally to him, as well as all his criminal cohorts in the public and private sectors at home and abroad.
Shut the$#%&!@*up morons