Anonymous Sources Claim a Two-State System in the Works
Obama only has months left to force changes that could have a disastrous impact on Israel. According to anonymous high level sources in Washington, the White House is considering taking measures in the UN Security Council that would create a two state system for Israel that would recognize East Jerusalem as the official capital of a Palestinian state. Obama has shown little interest in working with Prime Minister Netanyahu to ensure greater security for Israel, in spite of the many knife attacks on Israeli citizens by Palestinians and the recent ballistic missile launch by Iran indicating it was part of their preparation for the destruction of Israel.
The strongest element on the list of options under consideration would be U.S. support for a Security Council resolution calling on both sides to compromise on key issues, something Israel opposed and Washington has repeatedly vetoed in the past.
An article in the Wall Street Journal says that the parameters of an agreement for a two state solution would be based on the 1949 armistice line but would allow for land swaps so that many Jewish settlements that have been built since 1967 would not be swallowed up by the new Palestinian state.
The Palestinians would be required to recognize Israel as a Jewish state, and East Jerusalem would receive full UN Security Council recognition as the capital of a new Palestinian state. This is something that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has promised that he would never agree to.
Mounting a push for a Security Council resolution would be a significant shift in U.S. policy and one the Israeli government has feared could marshal international sentiment in a way that could make it harder to resist making concessions. Such a move could further strain already tense relations between Messrs. Obama and Netanyahu, who have clashed over U.S. diplomacy with Iran and the administration’s past attempts to forge a Middle East peace agreement.
Last year, the White House threatened to allow action at the U.N. to proceed without objection from the U.S. after Mr. Netanyahu said during his re-election campaign that he wouldn’t support a two-state solution. The Israeli leader subsequently walked back his statement, and the White House didn’t follow through with its threat.
Right now, 136 nations already formally recognize a Palestinian state. But a Palestinian state has never had full UN Security Council recognition because the United States has always blocked efforts in that direction.
A Security Council resolution would be binding upon all parties, unlike General Assembly measures which are non-obligatory recommendations. Such a resolution would remain in force even after the president leaves office next January, effectively shaping the future of American policy in the region for Mr. Obama’s successors.
The resolution would require Israel cease construction over the Green Line and would force Israel to recognize eastern Jerusalem as the capital of Palestine.
Needless to say, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu would be absolutely furious if the Obama administration pushes forward with a UN Security Council resolution that would attempt to dictate a solution to the Israelis and the Palestinians.
Of course there are lots of reasons why Netanyahu would potentially be upset with Obama. In addition to the ridiculously bad Iran deal, we should also remember that Obama tried to help defeat Netanyahu during the last Israeli election, and the Wall Street Journal has reported that the Obama administration has been actively spying on Netanyahu and other Israeli leaders.
Barack Obama has stabbed Israel in the back over and over again, and so it would be absolutely no surprise if he decided to push for a UN Security Council resolution that would permanently divide the land of Israel and the city of Jerusalem.
Obama has shown himself to be a very bad judge of international relations and politics, and his sympathies seem to lie with anything and everything Islamic, no matter the damage to the U.S. and her allies. And Obama has also shown himself to be a rogue operator, willing to craft agreements and deals on his own without approval of congress or the legal right to do so. As a result, with the clock ticking down his last minutes in office, it is entirely possible that Obama will stab Israel in the back one last time and set the Middle East aflame with this monumentally bad deal, the result of which could lead us all into a huge and consuming world war.
He’s worthless….no one should even let Obama have another order carried out….
Let him have a vacation the rest of his term, before Trump has him locked up in Gitmo..
Wow be unto Obama for attempting to curse Israel. He’s accountable to God if he believes it or not
Its mind boggling when people say jews are the chosen people, when it was the israelites of the old testament that were the chosen back before christianity and islam were created, people dont even understand how modern israel was created
A 6 pointed hexagon is their flag, people are blind
You have no education
I think you might have a problem. The prime minister will kick your little yellow Arab socialist but and I can’t wait for this one
You need to use the whole page instead of all the small print its hard to read