It was the understanding of the public that Obama would include Congress in the deal with Iran, giving them final word before removing past resolutions and international sanctions and sending it off to the UN Security Council.
To the surprise of many, Obama went back on this understanding and is now going straight to the UN to get approval for the nuclear agreement without placing it before Congress at all.
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Hussein Obama is a Hyinas$#%&!@*hole.
UN is all about the new world order. Wants a one world government. It in the End time prophecies
He makes congress look like a bunch of fools
Obama knows the republicans are all wimps and that’s why I like trump at least he’s willing to fight .
The anti-Christ strikes again .
Someone please cut his nuts off oh Im sorry he doesnt have any
AIN’T seen none of them in a long time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is a direct slap in the face to the dems, his own party.
Let’s protest to stop the Iran deal, and while were at it demand Obama be thrown out of office.
Name the TIME.
Adolf is back only with dark skin!