It was the understanding of the public that Obama would include Congress in the deal with Iran, giving them final word before removing past resolutions and international sanctions and sending it off to the UN Security Council.
To the surprise of many, Obama went back on this understanding and is now going straight to the UN to get approval for the nuclear agreement without placing it before Congress at all.
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This will be a done deal if congress doesn’t gather their b…s and put a stop to it because what Obama is doing is against the law. Uncons$#%&!@*utional and d congress knows it. And if they don’t act on it, it will be they will share the destruction of thes nation along with Obama.
Obama is an underhanded traitor. He does everything he can to byp$#%&!@* Congress…it is so blatantly obvious what he is doing that America… Why hasn’t someone done something to stop this traitor??? How much longer are we going to allow this mad man walk all over our Cons$#%&!@*ution… He is using his position as a dictator & America doesn’t have to put up with it. So exactly when is Congress & the Senate going to do something… His actions are way past dangerous to the US along with other countries. Impeach Obama not. Get him & all of the communist that he has placed throughout our government. Obama should be tried for treason & jailed immediately…. & after he has served his time send him back to Kenya & undo all of the damage that he has done to America.
Congress is too chicken to go after obama….he gets everything he wants
That’s right Bob. Only the facists voted for it.
Oh big surprise.
it is time Obama was shown the EXIT DOOR of the White House and tole not to come back…EVER!!!!!!
told that is*