It was the understanding of the public that Obama would include Congress in the deal with Iran, giving them final word before removing past resolutions and international sanctions and sending it off to the UN Security Council.
To the surprise of many, Obama went back on this understanding and is now going straight to the UN to get approval for the nuclear agreement without placing it before Congress at all.
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Obama is a Muslim and a terrorist he is not an American he should be tried for treason and in front of a firing squad
Cut out Obummer.
Obama is a devious, diabolical, deceptive representative of the far left only.
No one in Congress has the honesty to do what needs to be done so….it is up to you to take the time to research and VOTE for a good replacement for your Congressmen or woman and a new president.Dont waste your time votimg for another career politician.We need to get rid of the Electoral College and limit everyone to two terms.Do away with the IRS.Make everones taxes a straight percentage.
This was expected,now IMPEACH the SOB.
he was voted to work as a public servant for the american people & lives in the “people’s” house. he is not doing HIS job very well & we should “fire” him & “evict” him from OUR house!!
Does this shyster move by King Obama..Really surprise anyone? He said the Deal was ‘Done.’ And, he was goingto see it was implemented. Irreguardless of what Congress or the American people want. This is part of Islamic Brotherhood’s plans to ‘eliminate;’ srieal from the Earth.
When is someone going to file charges for Treason! He is helping people that want to destroy the US. Well He wants to destroy the US!
maybe get rid of him and send him to the UN hes against the US for sure
This traitor needs to be impeached now before he gets us all killed !