It was the understanding of the public that Obama would include Congress in the deal with Iran, giving them final word before removing past resolutions and international sanctions and sending it off to the UN Security Council.
To the surprise of many, Obama went back on this understanding and is now going straight to the UN to get approval for the nuclear agreement without placing it before Congress at all.
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Slipping into communism
Is anyone surprised?
OK…so we need to have the UN step in and place constraints (handcuffs) on Obama and charge him with conspiracy to commit war crimes against the USA!!
Last time I checked congress still has the power to defund the United nations
And who would expect him to honor his word?
Obama playing dictator again!! Congress needs to be flooded with this information.
Congress can correct this. I believe that some in Congress are willing to do the right thing, but not enough support.
Boehner & McConnell need to be removed first. Then the RINOs. Senate has 55 Republicans need 60 for a 2/3rds vote.
Senate can request to arrest Obama on Treason & any crimes he’s committed.