It was the understanding of the public that Obama would include Congress in the deal with Iran, giving them final word before removing past resolutions and international sanctions and sending it off to the UN Security Council.
To the surprise of many, Obama went back on this understanding and is now going straight to the UN to get approval for the nuclear agreement without placing it before Congress at all.
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How did they p$#%&!@* Obama Care then???
That’s what Obama does is cut everyone out of the deal because no one else knows what they’re doing to him he’s a complete full!!!!!!!!!!!
Unfortunately, the ACA was tacked on to other legislation and our idiotic representatives did not bother reading it before voting to p$#%&!@* it. This shady business of tacking things onto the budget needs to stop.
It still has to go back to Congress, Pres OSchmuck did it to put pressure on them to P$#%&!@* it!!!
Congress has a 60 day window for review and it began today.
They need to take him out along with all appointed members he choose and the judges…congress and Senate. Need to stand with the American people.
The whole panoply of so-called laws they have p$#%&!@*ed this way are all aimed at taking away out rights anyway. CONVENTION under Art. 5 of the Cons$#%&!@*ution would allow THE PEOPLE to rid ourselves of all these crazy laws and our corrupted leadership. Just sayin.
Where are THE AMERICAN PEOPLE? We the people hold more power than congress or any other branch of governmnet. I mean really, who do these people think they are that WE THE PEOPLE should bow and scrape to them.
Wake up America we are getting what we are allowing from these idiots!
And they let him get away with it? JAIL is too good for this person. Get rid of him. Deport him back to his true country… Kenya.