Babies, born alive during an abortion procedure, should be given the dignity of life saving care. It makes humanitarian sense, it is the heart of the Hippocratic Oath, “to do no harm” and it part of legislation passed by the House last week.
Yet Obama says he will veto this bill as there will be a “chilling effect,” reducing “access to care.” Read more on page 2.
With a majority the congress can overthrow his veto so standing united they can stop him.
Of course, he doesn’t want to loose his kick back!!!!!!!
Can’t get any lower than this! What an evil man! Disgraceful!
maybe then people will recognize!
When are we going to”Veto”Obama?
I do not possess a spirit of fear but one of great power, dont be dismayed by what you see, look up for your redemption draweth near. His furious wrath is about to deploy upon all those who would reject truth. Wait for it.
Trying to force our military to allow rape of little boy’s yet Muslims want to murder any other gay.
What a creep!
Pure evil!!