Babies, born alive during an abortion procedure, should be given the dignity of life saving care. It makes humanitarian sense, it is the heart of the Hippocratic Oath, “to do no harm” and it part of legislation passed by the House last week.
Yet Obama says he will veto this bill as there will be a “chilling effect,” reducing “access to care.” Read more on page 2.
He likes that pen.
He’s a Muslim that is why he kills without remorse. He’s just like the person he wears on his ring.
everyone is entitled to standing for what they believe in even if others dont agree with it
They should have aborted him, oh thats right he wasn’t born here!!!
Obama is such a hypocrite and a liar. He actually lied to the Pope in public so everybody can see what he really is. A man who disrespects religions that are different from his.
Obama is a very sick individual. Shame on all those who voted for him.
He will answer to our real God not his god.
He is a horrible president and so bad for the USA.
Why do we still have Medicare,Medicaid,and Planned Parenthood when everybody is supposed to have a form of Obamacare?
God will not stand by much longer. 1. Abortion. 2. Redefined marriage. 3. Rainbow on White House. Jubilee Year is here??