Babies, born alive during an abortion procedure, should be given the dignity of life saving care. It makes humanitarian sense, it is the heart of the Hippocratic Oath, “to do no harm” and it part of legislation passed by the House last week.
Yet Obama says he will veto this bill as there will be a “chilling effect,” reducing “access to care.” Read more on page 2.
Dirt Bag!
Judy for sure, killing the babies and letting people commit suicide , Satan’s world and all his followers.
The wrath of God is being revealed on this nation
And he pretends to be Christian…not fooling anyone but the ignorant libs…
This is beyond horrific. God, the Heavenly Father, will judge him.
Sure wish obamas mother would have had an abortion!
Democratic liberalism what’s next murder them all way up to 1 years old!!!!….