Babies, born alive during an abortion procedure, should be given the dignity of life saving care. It makes humanitarian sense, it is the heart of the Hippocratic Oath, “to do no harm” and it part of legislation passed by the House last week.
Yet Obama says he will veto this bill as there will be a “chilling effect,” reducing “access to care.” Read more on page 2.
You are way out there aren’t you??
Pure evil
Pure evil. Period.
Another who will rot in hell
What a shock.
Genesis. 9:6Many to have a Hell of an Enduring Future. Wretching
WE no longer have two parties… look at them.. it is one party… only a few you can count on your hands are actually trying to work for the good of the people.. the others are all in it for one purpose… the one world order…
They will bring in the Muslims to establish chaos as they banned personal rights to freedom of speech, guns, and faith…. why do you think Obama signed all those executive orders and the house didn’t go against them….
It’s why we have no help for the mentally ill because they are all insane and would be put away.