Babies, born alive during an abortion procedure, should be given the dignity of life saving care. It makes humanitarian sense, it is the heart of the Hippocratic Oath, “to do no harm” and it part of legislation passed by the House last week.
Yet Obama says he will veto this bill as there will be a “chilling effect,” reducing “access to care.” Read more on page 2.
Just think…you all voted for shut up..stupid:-)
You are a killer as bad as$#%&!@* His day will come as Hitlers did!!!
so he says it’s ok to kill babies born alive durning an abortion…?
According to scripture, all murderers are going to hell! Rev.21:8, and 22:15. And lest we forget: “THOU SHALT NOT KILL.” Ex.20:13. The Hebrew word for kill is ratsach, and means to dash to pieces, to murder, to put to death, kill. Just sayin’ !!
Ur a beast !
We promise to veto him and his wife. Get out of Trump’s house you spineless Muslim
If he’s not the anti-christ then he sure missed his chance!!!
lof course