Obama and company spin the raising costs of health care premiums saying that is demonstrates “the slow growth in premium costs.” See, this a good thing America, thus says Obama.
The problem lies in the lie that Obamacare would lower premiums by $2,500 per family. Yeah, that is not a real thing.
Read more about this deceit on the next page.
He’a liar, what a revelation.
If you believe Obama. I have some high and dry land for sale in the middle of the swamp.
Lying Muslim
Here is the face of a LIAR.
the wealthy in Congress could care less yet they know they are responsible for the loss of income for middle class Americans.
WHO is getting less for more again in 2016.
Obama has wasted Billions on Obamacare just with the website and giving states money to set up co-ops, all of which has been a costly disaster.
Let this N have a heart attack right now for his lies
trsnsparent Liar