Obama and company spin the raising costs of health care premiums saying that is demonstrates “the slow growth in premium costs.” See, this a good thing America, thus says Obama.
The problem lies in the lie that Obamacare would lower premiums by $2,500 per family. Yeah, that is not a real thing.
Read more about this deceit on the next page.
Lying Anti Christ black Hitler
mine are $1400 a month and going up to $1900 a month next year… Go democrats… No, I mean literally,, get the hell gone before we try you for treason.
Just another of his lies
My premium doubled and now my deductible us going from S500 to $3000. Explain why i Need insurance? Thats over $5000 out of pocket before they will pay 80%, but that’s ok i can get free birth control meds.
Well, the king is a liar. Haven’t you learned that yet ??????
186 dollars per week for me and wife to have insurance
High treson?????
Nothing put increases and many more coming until this whole illegal Ponzi scam is completely overturned
That is about what mine went up!!
Lying sob