Obama and company spin the raising costs of health care premiums saying that is demonstrates “the slow growth in premium costs.” See, this a good thing America, thus says Obama.
The problem lies in the lie that Obamacare would lower premiums by $2,500 per family. Yeah, that is not a real thing.
Read more about this deceit on the next page.
Put him in prison now
Yeah right!
any one who believed that crock of c**p… deserves what they got… free is never free….
Lier and Chief
He’s right about that
Oops.guess he was spoofing us??????
Treason for obumba. Treason.Take back our country.
You mean Obama speak with fork tongue? Uuuhhhgggg
The only thing that could make this better is an ISIS bulldozer pushing them off.
That’s not far off Jim.