White House spokesman Josh Earnest said during a press conference yesterday that Obama is preparing to take executive action on gun control, stating “The President’s goal is to look for opportunities to act administratively, unilaterally using his executive authority to try to make our communities safer,” Earnest said. “We’re always looking for those opportunities. But none of those opportunities when they present themselves is going to be an acceptable substitute for robust legislative action.”
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WE THE PEOPLE-RIGHT TO KEEP AND BEAR ARMS: ARTICLE TWO A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of WE THE PEOPLE to keep and bear arms SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED. If OBAMA gets away with this then there goes our CONSTITUTION of the
He sign’s that, he sign’s his impeachment once again. Unconstitutional order.
I don’t pay any attention to Obama’s executive orders. He has NO authority to enact laws. Pi#s on Obama.
Bite me $#%&!@*
obama hasno shame, nothing there in his heart
The majority of us are ashamed of him.
There is no Civil Unrest justifying his initiating an executive order regarding Presidential Regulation Order on firearms. He is deliberately attacking those Rights he has been sworn to uphold and defend! Impeachment is long over due!
Obama and those in Congress who support his illegal acts should be forcibly removed from office. they are the real traitors and problem causers to this country. this is BS. come the next November election, i know of a lot of politicians who are gonna be out of a job. i wont ever vote for them again, they cant be trusted.
And, now, this individual would tear at the very heart of our Constitution: casting down the 2nd Amendment! I deplore what is happening in our schools, towns and cities; however, the responsibility for making things safe, with respect to firearms of any kind, MUST REST with the PARENTS, NOT Congress nor the President! This individual, once again, oversteps his duty and responsibility!