White House spokesman Josh Earnest said during a press conference yesterday that Obama is preparing to take executive action on gun control, stating “The President’s goal is to look for opportunities to act administratively, unilaterally using his executive authority to try to make our communities safer,” Earnest said. “We’re always looking for those opportunities. But none of those opportunities when they present themselves is going to be an acceptable substitute for robust legislative action.”
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We are ashamed – him!
Like The Wise Ol’ Owl, Hindsight Is Often Ignored
Obama needs to do some “soul-searching” for his soul.
if its unconstitutional its null and void.no matter what he signs we just have to enlighten him
the ones he is in cahoots with don’t use guns , they use machetties…….
your the one who needs to be ashamed! you $#%&!@*TARD!
Just try and take them if you want a war come on!
Oh Yes, We’re ashamed. We are ashamed of our President. Time needs to be spent focusing on the decimation of ISIS.
What Mike Wilson said
obumbles the clown should be ashamed for trying to destroy the constitution, but that would mean that he would have a conscience