Americans determined to know what is being put in their food will have a much more difficult task after President Obama signs a new bill that effectively protects biotech giants.
Although he once campaigned on the idea that people “have a right to know what they’re buying”, Obama has since reversed his stance on GMO’s and made his administration one of the most friendly towards corporations like Monsanto. Thus, it will be no surprise if he signs the so-called Dark Act, a piece of legislation that makes labeling of GMO’s the exclusive province of the federal government.
At first glance, this might seem like exactly what anti-GMO activists have been calling for: mandatory labeling of food products made through GMO processing. The way the labels will be written however, is so vague and inaccessible to consumers that it defeats the whole purpose of the measure, allowing Monsanto and rival corporations to run roughshod over the food we eat.
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Kimberly I’m with you hun. I think we should all storm the WHITE HOUSE and force this trator$#%&!@*out of office trie him then send him to Gitmo 4 life
He wants nothing left but cochroaches!
Ya’ll are the dumbest people on the planet, to not know when something is just propaganda to cause divisive for a man that will soon out of office . The hate because of the color of his skin is ridiculous.
I’ve got a knuckle sandwich for him to eat and he can have seconds.
Obama can’t control what he isn’t able to control himself. He can’t control the people of America. America will revolt sending his f**e wife and f**e children out of this country.
This MUSLIM$#%&!@*belongs behind bars!!!!!9
No one cares about the kenyan kunt
stop making excuses for a war criminal. He signed the Monsanto Protection Act. (the “Dark Act”), He signed the NDAA. see section 1021. He bombed 8 countries in 7 years. He lied to our faces. You turn a blind eye because he is black.
Amen! We don’t don’t despise him because he is HALF WHITE……..remember? We despise him because he is a TRAITOR!
He will give full account to his creator!!! No escape!!!