Americans determined to know what is being put in their food will have a much more difficult task after President Obama signs a new bill that effectively protects biotech giants.
Although he once campaigned on the idea that people “have a right to know what they’re buying”, Obama has since reversed his stance on GMO’s and made his administration one of the most friendly towards corporations like Monsanto. Thus, it will be no surprise if he signs the so-called Dark Act, a piece of legislation that makes labeling of GMO’s the exclusive province of the federal government.
At first glance, this might seem like exactly what anti-GMO activists have been calling for: mandatory labeling of food products made through GMO processing. The way the labels will be written however, is so vague and inaccessible to consumers that it defeats the whole purpose of the measure, allowing Monsanto and rival corporations to run roughshod over the food we eat.
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Nothing is enough for this man to show his disdain and hatred for America!!! He really enjoys slapping his overreaching orders on the American people’s faces!!
I check labels, like shrimp, I won’t buy if I doesn’t come from America, soon we’ll all have to start growing our own food and sharing and buying locally as much as possible
They need to get rid of that son of a$#%&!@*now everything he does is fucking with our lives every single day
Impeach Obama
that is so it can be laced with poison and no one will know
What the$#%&!@*did I just read?!
He should be tried for high crimes against America and its people.
They don’t want you to know what’s got g mo in it because it will eventually kill you.
maybe we should block what goes into this rats asses food
F**k him we raise our own