After all the falderal with John Kerry (who served in Vietnam) hefting the U.S. flag over Havana, the real work begins for Obama’s pen and phone. There’s a lot of laws, passed by Congress over half a century ago, that are pesky impediments to Americans enjoying the Communist Cuban paradise of Castro.
The Obama administration plans to unilaterally ease the travel restrictions to Cuba. Airlines are gearing up. But there are other restrictions. Example: you’re not allowed to spend any American money there except under very specific circumstances and credit card companies can’t process transactions in Cuba.
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Everyone always appears to be shocked when Obama ignores congress, but why, he has been doing it from day one and he has stated that he will do it again to get his way….grow up Washington…stop pretending to be looks bad for you guys..
Well said
The man is lawless
i HOPE NOT $#%&!@*
What an arrogant piece of c**p.
Americans traveling to Cuba prepare to be arrested and held for as long as the Cuban government cares to hold you for nothing as you see how worried this man is about American hostages in Iran…. Cuba does the same thing! They are even brutal to their own people.
He looks hella high in this picture.
What’s his name alabama
Someone give his Secret Service Detail, a PHONE JAMMER, to be kept on at all times!
filthy S$#%&!@*