After all the falderal with John Kerry (who served in Vietnam) hefting the U.S. flag over Havana, the real work begins for Obama’s pen and phone. There’s a lot of laws, passed by Congress over half a century ago, that are pesky impediments to Americans enjoying the Communist Cuban paradise of Castro.
The Obama administration plans to unilaterally ease the travel restrictions to Cuba. Airlines are gearing up. But there are other restrictions. Example: you’re not allowed to spend any American money there except under very specific circumstances and credit card companies can’t process transactions in Cuba.
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What do you think he will put on that expensive library.Reckon it will be cut off heads in a museum of the library?
Obarry Worst President in the history of America. Obarry = one huge category of FAILURE. Obarry is not American, he is from Kenya he has told us so. That means Obarry is a FRAUD and a communist TRAITOR. IMPEACH THIS COMMUNIST. IMPEACH. Congress have you all went home. IMPEACH THIS WORTHLESS PIECE OF NOTHINGNESS
We need to put limits on executive orders
He ignores congress consistently knowing they are useless $#%&!@*s that will do nothing against him .
U are the worst,
He greatfully allows illegal Mexican aliens. So why stop there?
if his phone was cut off what would he and they do? hell i can live with the phone it’s called talking 2 people.
Well said Luis.
Go Obama